Friday, June 19, 2009

I'm a BIG girl!!

Well, we've finally made progress in the potty training arena.

When Genie Mom announced her retirement, she really worked on Zoe to get her to use the potty. She told her that in order to go to school (which she is very excited about), she had to use the potty.
Then Brian laid on the guilt trip about only babies wear diapers and we'll have to call her "baby" all the time. She didn't like that one bit with crying and carrying on and stammering "I am NOT a baby!"
And maybe she was finally just ready to do it!

A couple of weeks ago, Zoe had done really well with pottying (is that a word?) so she started wearing big girl panties. She was very proud of herself.

We then went out to breakfast to the restaurant where our friend (and one of Zoe's Godmothers) works. Zoe saw her and exclaimed, "I'M A BIG GIRL!" I looked at her and said quietly that Zoe's not wearing diapers anymore. Zoe piped in, "YEAH, I'M WEARING PAANNTIEEES!!"

The entire restaurant got quite the chuckle!

Here's the proud princess wearing panties!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Bye-bye Genie Mom & Papa Bill!

Genie Mom & Papa Bill have been watching and caring for Zoe since she was 3 months old. Genie Mom has been operating a day care for over 40 years (I'm guessing.) Well, the time had come for Genie Mom to retire. She and Papa Bill wanted to do some traveling and see family so we got a couple of weeks notice for Zoe's last day. That last day came on June 5th.

Papa Bill giving Zoe a hug and kiss goodbye...
Genie mom getting her last cuddles...
I don't think Genie wants to let go...
Outside Zoe's first day care...bye Genie Mom!
Zoe wouldn't be the fun-loving, caring and sweet little girl that she is without Genie Mom's caring influence and guidance. Thank you for loving our little girl so much!

Hot rod!

Out for a ride on her tricycle...Zoe's legs are finally long enough to reach the pedals and actually pedal! No more backaches from stooping over to push her along, yea!!
Here she goes...
picking up speed...
and leaving me in the dust!!

After her trike ride, we found Zoe relaxing in her own special way.

Playing with the vertical blinds just like a little, we must not have any toys in the house!!!


My company recently had a family picnic to kick off summer. Here in Southern California, though, summer sometimes doesn't peek out until July. The day of the picnic was classic May gray or June gloom, whichever term you prefer. At least it wasn't blazin' hot for the picnic which was very nice!

There was tons of activities to do...
pony rides...
bubble blowing...
frisbee throwing...
fruit eating...
ball kicking...
buddy walking...
(her buddy left her to take pictures)
sack races...
and falling...
water balloon tossing (or drinking)
catching??? open your eyes baby!
she could have played with just the water balloons all day!
and mommy could have eaten cotton candy all day!! (Oh wait, I did!)


A smile just seems so much bigger with jam!!!

Interesting choices...

A shirt that doesn't quite match the pants which are then tucked into black patent boots. The original outfit included a gold princess tiara, but it was getting caught up on her ponytail, so she opted for the pink princess purse. Isn't she lovely??