Tuesday, January 13, 2009

New year...a new frontier

With the new year, I'm resolving to try something new...a blog!  So I'm starting this blog in the hopes to remember and share all the funny, smart or heart-warming things that Zoe says or does.  I'm just learning how all this stuff works, so be patient please...before you (or I) know it, I'll be a whiz at it, I hope.


  1. Great job - and of course, you have a wonderful subject to work with! Will look forward to more.


  2. What a lovely idea and what a beautiful daughter you have. Zoe must keep you on your toes!
    Love to all,
    Aunt Barbara

  3. gosh, what a good idea, you are such a good mom to spend the time and energy do this. I have non of the above. It will be interesting to watch her grow and mature into a teen if you keep it that long. Good luck. Carie

  4. What fun! Thanks for sharing. So cute!
    Love, Heather Greci

  5. Zoe is lucky to have such a devoted mama (& dada). It is too bad you she won't have many pictures to look back on (Hee!Hee!) Here's to more adventures! Love, E
